
Saturday, February 20, 2010

cars ford 2010



This morning Ford announced a rather large loss in the second quarter of 2008 — $8.7 billion. Because the company needs to reassure stockholders and Wall Street of its future, Ford has detailed its product plans for the next two years in rather explicit detail. It seems dire economic times have broken through the secretive process Detroit automakers have had in place for decades. Check out our in-depth look at what products Ford will field in the next two years from Europe and North America, and if they’ll be worth the wait. We detail future Lincoln and Mercury products in a separate post.

Via Europe


2010-11 Ford Focus
In calendar year 2010, Ford will officially bring over the version of the Focus it sells in Europe. This is a higher-quality vehicle than what’s sold under the Focus name in the U.S. Ford says it will bring both the four-door sedan and the four-door hatchback over. Expect prices to be higher than the current Focus due to the cost of building a higher-quality product, and the fact that the Ford Fiesta — see below — will occupy the low-cost wrung of the lineup. The imported Focus will be a newer version of the car currently on sale in Europe, shown here.


2010 Ford Fiesta
We’ve been covering the release of this smallest of Ford cars for some time. Early reports of the gasoline engine used in Europe show mileage in the 39-mpg range, which would make this a big seller today in the U.S. Unfortunately, we’ll be waiting until calendar year 2010 for it to go on sale.


Unknown “White Space Vehicle”
Ford says it will bring a European “white space” vehicle to the U.S. in 2010. What the heck is a white space vehicle? Turns out Ford uses the term to describe small van-like vehicles. In Europe, Ford sells a Galaxy and S-Max that resemble the Mazda5 and Kia Rondo. The S-Max received rave reviews from the European press and may be the first vehicle of its kind from a major manufacturer. We’d put our money on the S-Max.

Post Title cars ford 2010