
Friday, February 19, 2010

rs abound incars..


rs abound in UK EV test

Although there may be many a MINI E, i MiEVs and smart EDs taking part in that £25 million ($40 million) UK electric vehicle test program, there is also a subset of sports cars involved. The EEMS Accelerate project says it plans to have 21 vehicles acquiring electric car data for 12 months in a rather more sporting style, including kilometers collected on a closed circuit as well as commuting.

The four companies supplying the spiffy wheels are listed as the Lightning Car Company, Ecotricity cars, Westfield Sports cars and Delta motorsport. Though we're unsure of how the numbers breakdown exactly, we do know that two of the 21 are supposed to be Lightning GTs. Add to that at least one recently test-driven "wind car" from carbon-free energy supplier Ecotricity and Westfield kicking in vehicles based on both their Lotus 7-derived Westfield Sport and the GTM Libra. Delta Motorsport will represent with the E-4 Coupe that is said to zip to 60 mph in under 5 seconds and travel 250 miles on a charge. While no dates were given for the trial, we expect it should start sometime early next year if it's to stay somewhat contemporaneous with the overall trial.

[Source: The Engineer Online / EEMS Accelerate]

Post Title rs abound incars..